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For several years, we have been experiencing a massive adoption of the population towards a more reasonable consumption, more respectful of the environment: consume yes, but consume better. It is in this same logic that organic wines , but also biodynamic wines , have taken an increasingly important place in the hearts of lovers of good white wine .
In France, like all other organic products, it is the AB label which clearly identifies an organic white wine .
An AB-certified wine is therefore a wine produced using organic farming methods, complying with strict specifications. Winegrowers are subject to various checks to ensure that the rules are properly applied. Whether it is white, red, rosé or even orange, an organic wine must therefore come from vines that are themselves AB-certified. Inputs are severely limited, while chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides are completely absent.
Buying an organic wine therefore allows you to be certain of being in the presence of committed winegrowers , who are in a process of respect for nature and the environment, but also have the objective of rediscovering the true taste of wine. Indeed, by respecting the plant (the grape) and the nature (the fauna and flora) that surrounds it, we obtain a wine with more character, more balance, which communicates its terroir and its origins, without artifice.
This is particularly the case for the Grand Vin blanc du Château l'Hospitalet , an exceptional organic wine from a unique terroir, located on limestone soil, a few hundred meters from the Mediterranean Sea, delivering mineral and saline flavors of great finesse.
An organic (or biodynamic) wine thus brings together notions of ideology and awareness of the world around us, but also notions of simplicity, for a return to a life closer to nature. Tasting an organic wine is all of these things at once!
Discover the collection of organic white wines from the Gérard Bertrand estates.
Here is a question regularly asked by novice oenophiles: is an organic wine necessarily without added sulfites ? The answer is: no, not all the time!
Sulfites, which are simply sulfur dioxide, are naturally present in wine, in small quantities. However, an additional addition of sulfites during the winemaking phase makes the wine more resistant , preventing it from being degraded by oxygen, and preventing it, in the process, from turning into vinegar!
An organic wine therefore necessarily contains sulfites, in small quantities. The winemaker then decides to vinify it with or without the additional addition of sulfites. However, in all cases, a white wine with the AB organic label and with added sulfites will contain approximately half as many sulfites as a traditional white wine. There are of course organic white wines without added sulfites, such as the cuvée Prima Nature , an organic white wine also with the Vegan label offering the purest tasting experience.
Opening a bottle of organic wine, whether white , red or rosé, brings an extra dose of pleasure. Indeed, tasting the best organic white wines offers clean, fresh and frank flavors. The absence of tannic structure in a white wine allows, unlike a red wine, to bring an additional lightness. Just like rosé, organic white wine is easy to drink, and will be an excellent choice to accompany an aperitif , start a meal with a salad, but also to enhance a delicate dish.
The aromas and flavors of an organic wine are most often associated with the plant world, whether it be floral aromas (anise, bay leaf, hawthorn, violet, vanilla, etc.), or fruit flavors (white-fleshed fruits, citrus fruits, exotic fruits, etc.). Organic white wines also offer a nice dose of indulgence. Tasting the best white wines is very often associated, to our great delight, with pleasure dishes, we thus speak of candied, toasted, grilled or even brioche flavors...
A good example of an organic white wine of astonishing quality and intensity is the Aigle Roya l bottle from Domaine de l'Aigle, a wine from Languedoc-Roussillon (AOP Limoux) labeled AB and Demeter produced from a noble grape variety, Chardonnay , grown on a plot of vines located at an altitude of 500 meters.
Discover Gérard Bertrand’s organic wine collections .
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And everything you need to know about organic red wine and organic rosé wine . Learn more about white wine , orange wine , red wine or rosé wine .
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